Legislation from the 87th Session
HB 5 – Co-Author – Broadband expansion.
HB 6 – Co-Author – Election Integrity Protection Act of 2021
HB 7 – Joint Author – Creates stopgap solution to ensure Texas’ unemployment fund remains solvent without crushing Texas small businesses that pay into the fund.
HB 8 – Co-Author – Making police employment records available electronically to agencies.
HB 9 – Co-Author – Creating criminal penalties for protestors who block a highway or other passageway.
HB 17 – Co-Author – Prohibiting cities and counties from discriminating against different types of utility services in issuing building permits and making zoning decisions.
HB 19 – Co-Author – Establishing a framework for civil actions involving commercial truckers.
HB 61 – Co-Author – Narrowing definition of approved forms of signature required on an application for voter registration or for a ballot to vote by mail.
HB 68 – Co-Author – Adding gender modification procedures to definition of abuse of a child in this state.
HB 69 – Co-Author – Banning abortions after 12 weeks post-fertilization.
HB 119 – Co-Author – Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of certain disabilities for organ transplant recipients.
HB 204 – Co-Author – Requiring public school district or charter schools to provide classrooms with panic alert devices that allow for immediate contact with emergency service agencies.
HB 316 – Co-Author – Prohibiting companies from misbranding plant based products as “meat” products in advertising.
HB 343 – Co-Author – Prohibiting certain food and drink items from being purchased using the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP).
HB 408 – Author – Allowing eligible participants in a veterans treatment court program to participate in a program in a county adjacent to the county in which the veteran works or resides.
HB 446 – Co-Author – Increasing criminal penalty for damage or destruction of a public monument.
HB 454 – Author – Allowing for the creation of a Juvenile Family Drug Court program.
HB 559 – Co-Author – Waiving fishing license fees for residents 85 years old or over.
HB 571 – Co-Author – Developing a cost-positive bundled-pricing program for health benefit plans provided under Employee Retirement System of Texas group benefits program.
HB 574 – Co-Author – Making certain election fraud offenses second-degree felonies, such as the counting of invalid votes.
HB 582 – Co-Author – Exempting all paramedics from tuition and lab fees for emergency preparedness classes.
HB 635 – Joint Author – Prohibiting local governments from enforcing any federal laws that would restrict second amendment rights in Texas.
HB 639 – Co-Author – Allowing county commissioners courts to approve emergency service districts to provide preventative health care services.
HB 690 – Author – Requires school board members to receive training on school safety.
HB 749 – Joint Author – Banning taxpayer funded lobbying.
HB 764 – Co- Author – Reducing STAAR testing for public school students.
HB 780 – Co-Author – Establishing a bone marrow donor recruitment program.
HB 892 – Joint Author – Requiring nursing homes and assisted living facilities to allow, at a minimum, one essential caregiver for in person visitation with a resident, even during times of disaster.
HB 901 – Co-Author – Strengthens requirements for entities with eminent domain authority when acquiring real property.
HB 918 – Co-Author – Allowing people ages 18-21 under certain protective orders to apply for a license to carry.
HB 919 – Co-Author – Prohibiting state and local governments from enforcing federal firearms laws that restrict second amendments rights in Texas.
HB 957 – Co-Author – Removes firearm suppressors form the list of prohibited weapons in the Texas Penal Code and makes firearm suppressors manufactured in Texas not subject to federal law or regulation.
HB 977 – Author – Aligns Montgomery County Hospital District enabling statute petition filing deadline with current deadline set in the Texas Election Code.
HB 1054 – Co-Author – Requires a high speed rail company to repair any damages to private property if the project ceases to continue.
HB 1057 – Co-Author – Designates November 7 as Victims of Communism Day.
HB 1069 – Co-Author – Ensures that first responders, such as EMS professionals, are able to carry a handgun while on duty if they hold a license to carry.
HB 1094 – Co-Author – Permits endangered 18 year olds to carry a handgun to defend themselves.
HB 1154 – Joint Author – Requires special purpose water districts to provide greater transparency information on their public websites.
HB 1158 – Author – Includes nonprofit attractions on information logo signs operated by TxDOT.
HB 1165 – Joint Author – Prohibits abortions after detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat. Known as the heartbeat bill.
HB 1166 – Author – Makes the chief appraiser of an appraisal district an elected position.
HB 1167 – Author – Makes the appraisal review board membership an elected position.
HB 1168 – Author – Makes the appraisal district board of directors elected positions.
HB 1173 – Co-Author – Prohibits tax dollars used by a city to fund transportation for abortions.
HB 1195 – Co-Author – Protects small businesses by ensuring that Cares Act funds will not be taxed by the state.
HB 1197 – Author – Increases tax exemption period for churches to own contiguous property for the purpose of expansion to 10 years from the current 6.
HB 1198 – Author – Designates Sam Houston Day as a state holiday
HB 1199 – Author – Allows Texans to only have to display one license plate on the rear of their vehicle.
HB 1215 – Joint Author – The Texas Sovereignty Act. Reinstates that Texas has state sovereignty from overreaching federal laws as stated in the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
HB 1218 – Co-Author – States that public schools and institutions of higher education must display the national motto, “In God We Trust”.
HB 1239 – Joint Author – Prohibits churches and places of worship from being closed during a pandemic or declared disaster.
HB 1264 – Co-Author – Improves the reporting of deaths to voter registrars, who can take them off from voter rolls.
HB 1280 – Co-Author – Bans abortion in the State of Texas in the event that Roe V. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court.
HB 1291 – Co-Author – Gives healthcare personnel the right to object to participation in an abortion procedure.
HB 1296 – Author – Allows a court to serve notice to a guardian by certified mail rather than personal service in cases where the court makes its own motion to transfer guardianship.
HB 1297 – Author – Ensures that the contestant in a probate case must serve beneficiaries who are charitable entities instead of the court having to do so.
HB 1314 – Co-Author – Requires voting systems used in Texas elections to meet certain operational and manufacturing requirements so that they cannot be tampered with.
HB 1386 – Joint Author – Allows for an adopted person to obtain a non certified birth certificate without a court order.
HB 1387 – Co-Author – Protects foster parents second amendment rights by ensuring they have access to a firearm to protect themselves and their household.
HB 1399 – Co-Author – Prohibits a doctor from performing gender reassignment surgery on a child
HB 1403 – Joint Author – Protects the public by allowing courts the ability to authorize an individual to serve multiple consecutive sentences for serious crimes.
HB 1407 – Joint Author – Allows a license holder to have a handgun visible in their vehicle, regardless of whether it is on their person.
HB 1424 – Co-Author – Allows a person to decline to participate in a health care service for reasons of conscience.
HB 1458 – Co-Author – Keeps boys out of girls sports.
HB 1484 – Author – Permits an investor owned water and wastewater utility to use its previously PUC approved rates immediately after it acquires another utility.
HB 1487 – Joint Author – Prohibits government from prohibiting attending a place of worship during a declared state of disaster.
HB 1500 – Co-Author – Ensures that government cannot prohibit the sale of firearms or ammunition during a declared state of disaster.
HB 1501 – Joint Author – Prohibits a local government from prohibiting the use of natural gas or propane in a community.
HB 1510 – Author – Winter Storm Uri Response bill for non ERCOT region, which Montgomery County falls in. It will help to avoid or mitigate future storm events problems by encouraging electric utilities to invest in infrastructure to withstand and respond to extreme weather events and natural disasters. Rate payers will not see in an increase in billing.
HB 1515 – Co-Author – Prohibits abortions from being performed after the detection of a heartbeat. Known as the heartbeat bill.
HB 1568 – Co-Author – Increases the allowed margin of error for determining the validity of local property valuations surveyed in the property value study.
HB 1569 – Co-Author – Prohibits a property owners’ association from restricting religious displays in front yards.
HB 1586 – Joint Author – Prohibits certain health benefit plan issuers, for a patient with a cancer or cancer-related diagnosis, from requiring a clinician-administered drug to be dispensed by a pharmacy. Would allow cancer patients quicker access to medication they need.
HB 1650 – Co-Author – Makes it easier for high school students to receive a tradesman plumber-limited license.
HB 1684 – Co-Author – Increases penalties for protesters blocking highways.
HB 1686 – Co-Author – Prohibits a property owner’s association from prohibiting the raising of chickens in your yard.
HB 1687 – Joint Author – Prohibits an employer from discriminating against people who haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine.
HB 1689 – Joint Author – Revises state law to ensure Texas is regulating its reinsurance market and not the federal government.
HB 1755 – Author – Allows a person to purchase and take away an unopened bottle of wine from a restaurant.
HB 1804 – Joint Author – Prohibits the Legislature from using taxpayer dollars to settle or pay a sexual harassment claim made against an elected official or staff.
HB 1856 – Joint Author – Prohibits a hotel from adopting a policy that prohibits a guest from carrying a firearm in a hotel room.
HB 1869 – Co-Author – Ensures that local governments do not increase local debt.
HB 1900 – Joint Author – Penalizes cities for defunding their police departments.
HB 1911 – Co-Author – Constitutional carry legislation allowing law abiding Texans to carry a weapon without a permit.
HB 1912 – Co-Author – Places additional noise level and outdoor lighting requirements on concrete production plants.
HB 1925 – Co-Author – Prohibits camping in public spaces by homeless individuals
HB 1927 – Co-Author – Constitutional carry legislation allowing law abiding Texans to carry a weapon without a permit.
HB 2021 – Co-Author – Establishes a legislative oversight board to analyze how to spend federal funds.
HB 2112 – Author – Removes specification that a holster must be a shoulder or belt holster. Will only require that a person openly carrying to have holster their weapon.
HB 2171 – Author – Provides firefighters and EMS emergency service district retirees the option to purchase continued health benefits coverage.
HB 2188 – Co-Author – Allows for social media companies to be sued if they censor private citizens.
HB 2211 – Author – Allows for in-person hospital visitation to continue during a pandemic
HB 2277 – Co-Author – Imitation Meat food items must be properly labeled on restaurant menus
HB 2283 – Co-Author – Prohibits a local election board from receiving private donations of $1000 or more. Voting integrity legislation.
HB 2308 – Co-Author – Allows an alleged perpetrator of child abuse or neglect to agree in writing to an order requiring the alleged perpetrator to leave the residence of the child.
HB 2313 – Co-Author – Creates a support system for women considering an abortion
HB 2321 – Co-Author – Requires signature verification on ballots
HB 2337 – Co-Author – Prohibits abortion inducing drugs from being distributed.
HB 2362 – Co-Author – Penalizes cities and municipalities for defunding police
HB 2366 – Co-Author – Makes it a harsher crime to point lasers or explode fireworks at police attempting to arrest someone.
HB 2379 – Author – Allows storage facilities to transfer a vehicle and its lien to a licensed vehicle storage facility.
HB 2497 – Joint Author – Establishes the 1836 Project in public schools to teach students about Texas values and history.
HB 2505 – Joint Author – Enhances the criminal offense for boating while intoxicated (BWI) with a child passenger to a state jail felony. This will make it the same offense as driving a car while intoxicated (DWI) with a child passenger.
HB 2522 – Author – Clarifies the ERCOT Board Members be residents of the State of Texas and must be appointed by elected officials.
HB 2546 – Co-Author – Requires the Secretary of State to monitor court clerk and voter registrar compliance.
HB 2557 – Co-Author – Allows for rural schools to develop a school security volunteer program.
HB 2558 – Co-Author – Prohibits state contracts with companies that discriminate against firearms or ammunition industries.
HB 2587 – Joint Author – Prohibits social media companies from censoring private citizens for expressing their opinion or viewpoint.
HB 2609 – Co-Author – Clarifies that a hospital must provide life sustaining treatment to a patient until they are transferred to another provider.
HB 2622 – Joint Author – Second Amendment Sanctuary State Act.
HB 2637 – Co-Author – Establishes the Urban Air Mobility advisory committee.
HB 2676 – Co-Author – Allows a parent to request a life certificate for an infant death.
HB 2681 – Co-Author – Allows for more Biblical studies for public school students.
HB 2713 – Joint Author – Monument protection legislation. Prohibits the removal of historical monuments.
HB 2743 – Author – Grants greater flexibility to state agencies to adjust its job classifications and salaries of its positions to ensure salary equity amongst agency peers.
HB 2796 – Joint Author – Revises Public Utility Commission’s rules on the handling of power system equipment in response to the winter storm.
HB 2823 – Co-Author – Requires government employees to participate in the employment authorization program.
HB 2900 – Co-Author – Constitutional carry legislation allowing law abiding Texans to carry a weapon without a permit.
HB 3021 – Co-Author – Diverts a city’s sales tax revenue elsewhere if that city defunds their police department.
HB 3028 – Joint Author – Prohibits insurance policies or health benefit plans that are written for businesses from requiring employees to be vaccinated as a condition to purchase or maintain coverage.
HB 3046 – Joint Author – Helps to protect the rights guaranteed to Texas citizens by the U.S. Constitution by instituting a robust system of tracking and transparency with regard to presidential executive orders and related federal agency rules.
HB 3064 – Author – Enhances the criminal offense for boating while intoxicated (BWI) with a child passenger to a state jail felony. This will make it the same offense as driving a car while intoxicated (DWI) with a child passenger.
HB 3080 – Joint Author – Creates a criminal offense for a person provides an application form for an early voting ballot to a person who did solicit the form.
HB 3116 – Author – Allows for the commissioners courts in the SJRA region to make recommendations to the Governor for the appointment of the board of directors of the San Jacinto River Authority
HB 3151 – Co-Author – Labels a city as a “defunding” municipality if they defund their police
HB 3190 – Co-Author – Extends the waiting period for a divorce filed on grounds of insupportability from 60 days to 180 days.
HB 3214 – Co-Author – Requires the Teacher Retirement System to make a one time cost of living adjustment for retired teachers.
HB 3218 – Co-Author – Prohibits an abortion based on the race, ethnicity, sex, or disability of the woman’s pregnancy.
HB 3304 – Author – Provides for a tax exemption for a motor vehicle brought into this state by an active duty member of the United States armed forces or the member’s spouse.
HB 3310 – Joint Author – Prohibits construction of a high speed rail project unless the Department of Transportation has determined all property needed for the project has been acquired.
HB 3317 – Author – Caps real property appraisal growth at 10%.
HB 3321 – Author – Caps homestead property appraisal growth at 5%.
HB 3322 – Author – Allows the citizens of Montgomery County to elect the appraisal review board.
HB 3378 – Joint Author – Requires State funded sports venues to play the national anthem before a game.
HB 3394 – Author – Allows judges to investigate whether probable cause exists to believe a guardian has become incapacitated.
HB 3497 – Author – Makes a toll project a part of the highway system after bonds for it have been paid off.
HB 3498 – Author – Establishes that a toll road may not be constructed unless one non toll lane is also constructed alongside it.
HB 3584 – Co-Author – Establishes that monuments installed by the Texas Historical Commission are solely state property and under the commissions custody and control.
HB 3596 – Co-Author – Protects religious organizations from being shut down.
HB 3597 – Author – School safety clean up legislation to ensure our students are safe.
HB 3630 – Author – Designates a portion of State Highway 242 as the Sgt. Stacey Baumgartner Memorial Highway
HB 3633 – Co-Author – Establishes the High Speed Rail Legislative Review Committee
HB 3644 – Co-Author – Establishes a memorial monument dedicated to emergency medical services personnel on the Capitol grounds
HB 3668 – Joint Author – Removes requirements for Writing STAAR Test for Fourth and Seventh Grade and the Social Studies STAAR Test in Eighth Grade.
HB 3687 – Co-Author – Requires government entities to post information about contracts with lobbyists
HB 3726 – Joint Author – Repeals vaccine requirements for students in public schools
HB 3760 – Co-Author – Prohibits abortions in the state except in cases of medical emergency.
HB 3774 – Joint-Author – Omnibus court creation legislation which will provide for the creation of Montgomery County court at law #6.
HB 3799 – Author – Provides for a definition of a county fair association to ensure that local county fairs are protected from taxation.
HB 3801 – Author – Clarifies that the most recently adopted desired future condition for a groundwater management plan is the one to be included in the management plan
HB 3846 – Joint-Author – Allows local school districts more flexibility to choose their first and last day of school.
HB 3870 – Joint Author – Develops a procedure for a parent of a student who has dyslexia accommodations to file a complaint to ensure compliance with federal and state laws
HB 3880 – Co-Author – Ensures that school districts are even more properly screening for dyslexia in students.
HB 3909 – Joint Author- Ensures that local governments cannot create their own form of a occupational license.
HB 3940 – Co-Author- Ensures that a lawyers religious beliefs are not discriminated against by the state bar of Texas.
HB 3979 – Joint Author- Bans the teaching of critical race theory in schools.
HB 4042 – Co-Author- Keeps boys out of girls sports.
HB 4072 – Joint Author- Ensures that online sales tax remains at the location where the consumer is ordering from.
HB 4366 – Joint Author- Ensures that State law, and not federal law, dictates Texas elections.
HB 4482 – Joint Author- Creates an emergency powers board which would provide oversight during a declared public health disaster.
HB 4507 – Joint Author- Ensures that State law, and not federal law, dictates Texas elections.
HB 4509 – Co-Author- Requires students to have classes on America values and patriotism.
HB 4575 – Author- Allows the voters to elect the board of directors of the San Jacinto River Authority.
HB 4576 – Author- Requires the San Jacinto River Authority to hold an election so that voters can approve or disapprove of the issuance of revenue bonds.
HB 4599 – Author- Will create the Montgomery County Court at law #6.
HB 4661 – Co Author- Requires lobbyists to take sexual harassment training.
HCR 1 – Co Author- Clarifying that the legislature of Texas supports prayers, the ten commandments and the word “God” at public gatherings at government buildings and public education entities.
HCR 14 – Joint Author- Claiming that Texas has rights under the 10th amendment of the United States Constitution.
HCR 51 – Co-Author – Urges Congress to pass the Vanessa Guillen Act.
HCR 52 – Co-Author- Claiming that Texas has rights under the 10th amendment of the United States Constitution
HJR 40 – Co-Author- Creates a constitutional amendment clarifying that the Governor cannot regulate the firearm industry.
HJR 46 – Joint Author- Creates a constitutional amendment establishing the right of a long term care resident to designate an essential caregiver who cannot be denied visitation.
HJR 65 – Co-Author- Creates a constitutional amendment that would require the Governor to call a special session if at least two-thirds of each chamber petition for a special session.
HJR 72 – Co-Author- Creates a constitutional amendment that would prohibit the state or any local government from closing or limiting religious service.
HJR 94 – Co-Author- Creates a constitutional amendment requiring the state to be on daylight saving time year round.
HJR 131 – Author- Creates a constitutional amendment to cap appraisal growth of real property at 10%.
HJR 132 – Author- Creates a constitutional amendment to cap homestead property appraisal growth at 5%.
HJR 141 – Joint Author- Creates a constitutional amendment to allow all political subdivisions in Texas to provide for a limit on the property taxes collected on a homestead of someone 65 and older or disabled.
HR 245 – Author- Honors Conroe sculptor Craig Campobella.
HR 1306 – Joint Author- Congratulates Sam Houston State university on their national football championship victory.
SB 7 – Co-Sponsor- Election integrity legislation to ensue that voting law is uniform across the state to prevent voter fraud.
SB 8 – Co-Sponsor- Makes an abortion illegal when there is any detection of a heartbeat. This is known as the “heartbeat bill:.
SB 12 – Joint-Sponsor- Will not allow social media companies to discriminate against differing viewpoints.
SB 14 – Joint-Sponsor- Protects small businesses by not allowing local governments to require employers to provide for certain benefits.
SB 19 – Co-Sponsor- Will not allow state and local governments to contract with businesses that discriminate against the second amendment and firearm companies.
SB 25 – Joint-Sponsor- Allows long term care residents to designate an essential care giver who cannot be denied visitation.
SB 394 – Co-Sponsor- Allows the state to better track complications that arise from abortion inducing drugs.
SB 763 – Co-Sponsor- Creates a state study on the feasibility of an urban air mobility system for transportation and delivery to reduce congestion.
SB 797 – Co-Sponsor- Requires “In God We Trust” to be displayed in public schools and universities.
SB 802 – Co-Sponsor- Requires that someone seeking an abortion be made aware of the different types of state aid available for them so they do not go forward with an abortion.
SB 1093 – Sponsor- Opens up the veteran treatment court program for more veterans all across the state.
SB 1173 – Co-sponsor- Ensures that a abortion is not performed because an infant has a disability.
SB 1181 – Sponsor- Allows a storage facility to transfer a vehicle and its lien to a vehicle storage facility.
SB 1227 – Sponsor- Adopts a uniform statewide credit-granting policy for public colleges and universities for the College-Level Examination Program, most commonly referred to as CLEP.
SB 1438 – Joint-Sponsor- Protects taxpayers by ensuring that a taxing unit cannot raise the tax rate during a disaster.
SB 1647 – Co-Sponsor- Makes it illegal to perform an abortion based on a pre-born infants race, sex or disability.
SJR 19 – Co-Sponsor- Constitutional amendment to ensure that long term care facility patients can designate a caregiver who cannot be denied visitation.
SJR 27 – Co-Sponsor- Constitutional amendment to clarify that churches cannot be closed during a pandemic disaster.
HB 2– Co-Author- Reforms the bail system in Texas to ensure high-risk offenders are not released back into society.
HB 3– Co-Author- Election integrity legislation to ensure security in Texas elections by creating uniform laws statewide.
HB 6– Co-Author- Bans the mailing and delivery of abortion inducing medication.
HB 20– Co-Author- Does not allow big tech companies to censor users based on their views.
HB 80– Co-Author- Eliminates school district m&o property taxes.
HB 85– Co-Author- Gives a supplemental 13th check to retired teachers from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 95– Co-Author- Allows a social media user to hold a social media company civilly liable for banning wrongfully banning them from a platform.
HB 100– Co-Author- Requires timely delivery of an early vote by mail ballot to ensure election integrity.
HB 107– Co-Author- Bans taxpayer funded lobbying.
HB 114– Co-Author- Does not allow non-citizens to hold Texas drivers licenses.
HB 115– Co-Author- Does not allow the state to implement unconstitutional executive orders from the federal government.
HB 116– Co-Author- Does not allow your health insurance provider to discriminate against you based on your vaccination status.
HB 120– Co-Author- Gives a cost of living adjustment to Texas retired teachers.
HB 122– Co-Author- Places surplus state revenue into the property tax relief fund.
HB 123– Joint-Author- Requires video recording at locations that count ballots.
HB 159– Co-Author- Gives a cost of living adjustment to Texas retired teachers.
HB 162– Co-Author- Requires counties to ensure that non-citizens are not registered to vote.
HB 166– Co-Author- Prohibits the medical gender reassignment of a child.
HB 178– Co-Author- Bans CRT in public schools.
HB 179– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports or higher education sports.
HB 181– Co-Author- Classifies gender transitioning as child abuse.
HB 185– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports or higher education sports.
HB 187– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports.
HB 210– Co-Author- Protects healthcare professionals from providing a service which is against their conscience.
HB 212– Joint-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports.
HB 220– Co-Author- Directs the Governor to form a interstate compact for border security.
HB 232– Co-Author- Directs the Governor to form a interstate compact for border security.
HB 241– Co-Author- Implements a forensic audit of the 2020 election.
HB 243– Co-Author- Does not allow the state to contract with companies that ban customers for political speech.
HB 250– Co-Author- Protects historical monuments and memorials from removal.
HB 274– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports or higher education sports.
HB 293– Co-Author- Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee for not having the covid-19 vaccine.
HB 1– Co-Author- Refunds the legislative branch.
HB 3– Co-Author- Election integrity legislation to ensure security in Texas elections by creating uniform laws statewide.
HB 4– Joint-Author- Allows an individual who purchases a home to receive the homestead exemption in the same year of purchase instead of having to wait a year.
HB 5– Co-Author- Appropriations bill which funds property tax relief, foster care, and cybersecurity.
HB 6– Co-Author- Bans the mailing and delivery of abortion inducing medication.
HB 8– Co-Author- Gives a supplemental 13th check to retired teachers from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 9– Joint-Author- Appropriations bill which funds border barriers and law enforcement for border security operations.
HB 10– Joint-Author- Protects small businesses by not allowing local governments to require employers to provide for certain benefits.
HB 11– Joint-Author- Extends school property tax cuts to homeowners over 65 or disabled homeowners.
HB 12– Co-Author- Reforms the bail system in Texas to ensure high-risk offenders are not released back into society.
HB 14-Co-Author- Requires counties to ensure that non-citizens are not registered to vote.
HB 19-Co-Author- Prohibits the federal government from regulating state elections.
HB 20– Joint-Author- Does not allow big tech companies to censor users based on their views.
HB 24– Joint-Author- Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee for not having the covid-19 vaccine.
HB 25– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports.
HB 26– Co-Author- Implements a forensic audit of the 2020 election.
HB 28– Joint-Author- Bans CRT in public schools.
HB 29– Joint-Author- Allows honorably discharged military members to assist state law enforcement at the border.
HB 38– Co-Author- Classifies gender transitioning as child abuse.
HB 39– Co-Author- Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee for not having the covid-19 vaccine.
HB 40– Co-Author- Prohibits the state from contracting with companies that require CRT training.
HB 57– Co-Author- Does not allow the state to contract with companies that ban customers for political speech.
HB 60– Joint-Author- Protects historical monuments and memorials from removal.
HB 77– Co-Author- Bans taxpayer funded lobbying.
HB 79– Co-Author- Creates a state criminal trespass charge for illegally crossing the border.
HB 96– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports.
HB 100– Co-Author- Does not allow males to compete in female UIL sports or higher education sports.
HB 115– Co-Author- Gives a cost of living adjustment to Texas retired teachers.
HB 122– Co-Author- Directs surplus state revenue to property tax relief.
HB 128– Co-Author- Bans mask mandates.
HB 133– Co-Author- Prohibits the medical gender reassignment of a child.
HB 141– Co-Author- Bans mask mandates in schools.
HB 142– Co-Author- Protects healthcare professionals from providing a service which is against their conscience.
HB 154– Co-Author- Increasing criminal penalty for avoiding federal and state border law enforcement.
HB 165– Joint-Author- Allows a social media user to hold a social media company civilly liable for wrongfully banning them from a platform.
HB 175– Co-Author- Bans covid-19 vaccine requirement in public schools.
HB 182– Co-Author- Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee for not having the covid-19 vaccine.
HB 189– Joint-Author- Reduces STAAR testing for public school students.
HB 191– Joint-Author- Does not allow local governments to provide transportation for abortion services.
HB 210– Joint-Author- Directs surplus state revenue to property tax relief.
HB 222– Joint-Author- Creates a border security training program for law enforcement.
HJR 1– Co-Author- Constitutional amendment to reform the bail system in Texas to ensure high-risk offenders are not released back into society.
HJR 2– Joint-Author- Constitutional amendment to allow an individual who purchases a home to receive the homestead exemption in the same year of purchase instead of having to wait a year.
HR 96– Co-Author- Changes the House rules to ensure that House members who intentionally break quorum are held accountable by issuing fines and the potential loss of chairmanships.
SB 1– Co-Sponsor- Election integrity legislation to ensure security in Texas elections by creating uniform laws statewide.
SB 3– Joint-Sponsor- Bans CRT in public schools.
SB 4– Co-Sponsor- Bans the mailing and delivery of abortion inducing medication.
SB 6– Co-Sponsor- Reforms the bail system in Texas to ensure high-risk offenders are not released back into society.
SB 7– Co-Sponsor- Gives a supplemental 13th check to retired teachers from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
SB 8– Joint-Sponsor- Allows an individual who purchases a home to receive the homestead exemption in the same year of purchase instead of having to wait a year.
SB 12– Joint-Sponsor- Extends school property tax cuts to homeowners over 65 or disabled homeowners.
SB 14– Joint-Sponsor- Protects small businesses by not allowing local governments to require employers to provide for certain benefits.
SJR 2– Joint-Sponsor- Constitutional amendment to extend school property tax cuts to homeowners over 65 or disabled homeowners.
SJR 8– Joint-Sponsor- Constitutional amendment to require a legislator to be in the state of Texas to receive their legislative per diem.
HB 10– Co-Author- Prohibits males to compete in female UIL sports.
HB 13– Co-Author- Prohibits the federal government from regulating state elections.
HB 14– Co-Author- Prohibits a business which has state contracts to require a COVID-19 vaccine.
HB 17- Co-Author- Implements a forensic audit of the 2020 election.
HB 18- Co-Author- Does not allow employers to discriminate against employees for vaccine status.
HB 21- Co-Author- Allows honorably discharged veterans to serve as border security.
HB 22- Co-Author- Classifies gender reassignment of children as child abuse.
HB 25- Co-Author- Prohibits males to compete in female UIL sports.
HB 36- Co-Author- Prohibits cities from using taxpayer funds for transportation for abortions:
HB 37- Co-Author- Prohibits an employer to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for an employee.
HB 39- Co-Author- Prohibits a health insurance provider from discriminating against a customer for
COVID-19 vaccine status.
HB 65- Co-Author- Bans gender modification of children.
HB 77- Co-Author- Bans taxpayer funded lobbying.
HB 78- Co-Author- Prohibits the state from following unconstitutional federal orders.
HB 84- Co-Author- Prohibits males from competing in female UIL and college sports.
HB 89- Co-Author- Provides relief from property tax bills by appropriating $3 billion of federal funds for equal payments to each residence homestead owner in the state. Each property owner with a
homestead exemption will receive a $525 check in the mail on or before September 1st, 2022.
HB 90- Co-Author- Appropriates surplus state funds to increase state school district funding and reduce
local property tax rates.
HB 93- Co-Author- Prohibits COVID-19 vaccine mandates by any governmental entity.
HB 118- Co-Author- Provides for a COLA for retired teachers.
HB 119- Co-Author- Prohibits COVID-19 vaccine mandates by employers.
HB 136- Co-Author- Increases the penalty for election fraud to a state jail felony.
HB 155- Co-Author- Does not allow an employer to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for an employee.
HB 168- Co-Author- Bans entities in Texas from following a federal vaccine mandate.
Senate Joint Resolution 2 & Senate Bill 1 – Co-Sponsor & Joint-Author – Proposes a constitutional amendment to raise the homestead exemption on school property taxes to $40,000. Currently the homestead exemption on school property taxes is $25,000. This constitutional amendment will be voted on by Texans in May of 2022